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IndyZoo welcomes a new anteater!
Meet our newest arrival at IndyZoo! Salvador, or Sal, is a 9-year-old Southern Tamandua ( tuh· man ·doo·uh). Tamanduas are a type of...

I'm Clifford! Adopt me!
Clifford is the longest resident at Medical Mutts Service Dogs and has been waiting for over a year for his perfect home. He is a mixed...

Help! My cat isn't using the litter box!
I received a request recently for help in KJ's Cat Club. It was unfortunately, a very common request: Help! My cat is peeing and pooping...

Get your Grayson Plushie!
L isten, I know it's a little silly but that's how I roll and I think Grayson will love this. In his golden years, getting out to public...

Leptospirosis . . . why you SHOULD vaccinate for this disease!
Do you vaccinate your dogs for leptospirosis? If no, why? AAHA is recommending all dogs receive this important vaccine!

Dog who ingested corncob saved by surgery
Tom Dock, director of communications at Noah's Animal Hospitals and Pet Pals TV reporter, was quoted for this story. —...

IndyZoo awards $1 million to save endangered hummingbird
The Indianapolis Zoo has awarded a $1 million grant to the Ecuadorian conservation group Fundación Jocotoco to save a newly-discovered...

How the loss of a pet affects your other pets
It goes without saying that the loss of a pet comes as a hard blow to you and your family. But what about the non-human members of your...

Knowing when to say goodbye . . .
When is it time to say good-bye to a beloved furry family member/

Here's how to prepare your pets during a disaster
Disaster can strike anywhere and at any time, from house fires to floods, tornadoes to power outages and thunderstorms. We Hoosiers can...

Man and dog rescued during Hurricane
A Coast Guard Air Station Clearwater helicopter crew rescued a man and dog from a disabled and taking-on-water 36-foot sailing vessel 25...

Credit card helped when pup had emergency surgery
Tom Dock, pet health reporter for Pet Pals TV, recently was the subject of a story about emergency pet care plans at : Thomas...

Small porpoise is the rarest animal on Earth
Have you ever wondered what is the rarest animal on Earth? According to the World Wildlife Fund, it's a marine mammal called the...

Tips for keeping your cat safe and calm during 4th of July fireworks
With the 4th of July approaching, many pet owners may be concerned about how their cats will react to the loud noises and bright lights...

The tiny wren makes lovely music
Ms. House Wren returns every year to my garden to set up residency in a gourd. Her song is amazing and her warbling announces her return...

'A Christmas Story' actor Zack Ward talks his Maine coons and magical new movie
Zack Ward, known best for his role as Scut Farkus in "A Christmas Story," has a lot to celebrate with his new movie "Keepers of the Five...

Adoption calendar shows upcoming events
Thinking about a new furry family member but don't know where to start? Pet Friendly Services' newly launched Adoption Calendar is...

When should you spay or neuter your dog?
By Trina Wood Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have updated their guidelines on when to neuter 40 popular...

See new chimp complex at IndyZoo!
The new chimpanzee exhibit at The Indianapolis Zoo has everyone going ape! The Penny & Jock Fortune International Chimpanzee Complex,...

'Lord of the Rings' actor shares how his cat inspired famous voice
It couldn't have been any more PURRfect! Recently, at PopCon, the premiere pop culture convention in Indianapolis, I had the honor of...
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