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Cocoa bean mulch and your pets
The current "viral" topic is the dangers of cocoa mulch and our this really a HUGE concern?

What you need to know about FLEAS . . . and how to stop them!
Springtime...time for outdoor activities and time for those nasty fleas to find your pets. Learn how to your pets, and your family safe!

The Cicadas are coming!
Experts say a “once-in-a-lifetime” happening of two different broods – or groups of cicadas – is set to emerge at the same time in 2024....

Low-cost surgery center aims to help more pets in need!
Exciting news from Noah's Animal Hospitals...a new Low-cost surgery center for pets has opened!!

Canine Flu Virus answers
It's so new it doesn't even have a name yet, but folks are very upset about a new canine virus/flu that's spreading across the country....

What we know about the 'mystery' dog illness
What's this new "Mystery" illness in dogs and should you be concerned?

A disturbing trend . . . canine vaccine hesitancy
Over the past several years, including the recent pandemic, there has been an uneasy feeling in veterinary medicine when it comes to...

Soothing the scratch - why allergies cause the itching.
The number one reason for bringing your dog to the veterinary hospital is because of allergies. Millions of households in the United...

Itchy pets: Medicines that give relief
The number one reason for bringing your dog to the veterinary hospital is because of allergies.

Spleen Problems in Dogs - What Pet Parents Should Know
It was an emergency run to Noah's Animal Hospital as Stewie had some kind of episode demanding immediate attention. While treating and...

You need to evacuate . . . what about your pets??
Does your pet have an emergency evacuation kit? What do you need to take with your pet if your family needs to "bug out"?

Microchips can reunite you and your missing pets
When Erin’s South Carolina phone rang recently, she had no idea that one of her fondest dreams was about to come true. Mr. Mojo, a cat...

Canine Influenza - what are the symptoms?
Canine Influenza is an uncomfortable illness that your dog may contract this time of year. Tom Dock, practice manager at Noah's Animal...

Adding a cat to your household
You want to add a kitten to your household, but wait! You already have a cat in the house and not sure if the first cat will like or even...

Common household dangers for our pets!
Every March we are reminded about the need to keep our children safe from a wide variety of household items that can possibly poison our...

Here are the signs of 'dog flu'
As presented on Pet Pals TV, here's information on canine influenza: 1) Canine Influenza virus is an upper respiratory pathogen of dogs. ...

Help your pet be "FABULOUS" not "FLABULOUS"!
Do you know if your pet is overweight or even obese? 90% of pet owners DON'T!

Pet cancer awareness: What to look for
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), nearly one in four pets will experience some form of cancer in their...

It's Canine Parvovirus season! Is your pup protected?
Two years ago, I spent time looking at the impact that the coronavirus pandemic had on pet owners and whether those owners were keeping...

Bringing a new pet into your home
What does National Pet Day Mean to YOU?
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