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What you need to know about FLEAS . . . and how to stop them!
Springtime...time for outdoor activities and time for those nasty fleas to find your pets. Learn how to your pets, and your family safe!
Low-cost surgery center aims to help more pets in need!
Exciting news from Noah's Animal Hospitals...a new Low-cost surgery center for pets has opened!!
A disturbing trend . . . canine vaccine hesitancy
Over the past several years, including the recent pandemic, there has been an uneasy feeling in veterinary medicine when it comes to...
Common household dangers for our pets!
Every March we are reminded about the need to keep our children safe from a wide variety of household items that can possibly poison our...
Help your pet be "FABULOUS" not "FLABULOUS"!
Do you know if your pet is overweight or even obese? 90% of pet owners DON'T!
Pet cancer awareness: What to look for
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), nearly one in four pets will experience some form of cancer in their...
Bullying and belittling veterinarians . . . what has clients SO angry?
There shouldn't be any doubt that veterinarians and their entire teams (veterinary technicians, assistants, pet care specialist, client...
Mosquitoes REFUSE to obey "stay at home" orders!
Ok, I will admit that this title is pretty corny, but think about it! Just because we need to stay sequestered during the COVID-19...
Puzzled about your pets? Viewer questions revealed!!
Every so often, we seem to get a plethora of questions submitted by viewers. As you might have seen on the show, we try to get you the...
The fireworks are done and now your pet's gone?!!
Last time, we discussed some of the things you can do to help keep your pet from being overly anxious during the upcoming fireworks...
Your dog ate what?
One of the most common presentations at an animal ER is a pet who is vomiting for an unknown reason. While infectious diseases,...
Knowing when to say goodbye . . .
I travel quite a bit for my job . . . sometimes it's just across Indy or up to Chicago, but other times I fly across country to attend...
Don't fall for the "non-anesthesia pet dental" scam!
The latest health news is here.
What's Stopping You From Improving Your Pet's Dental Health?
I am sure it sounds like a broken record at this time of year when social media feeds are inundated with post from your veterinary...
Scratching the Surface of Pet Allergies
Ogden Nash once said that "Happiness is having a scratch for every itch"...unfortunately, when we look at Mabel and her nearly bald butt...
How much IS that doggie on my Facebook feed?
The signs for "Kittens - Free To Good Home" at the end of driveways may have been replaced by cute pictures in your social media feed,...
Scary Pet Health Headlines...What's the Scoop?
In recent weeks, pet owners have been bombarded with scary sounding headlines, including updates on canine flu outbreaks. As we...
WATCH THIS WEEKEND: Race car driver's crusade against canine cancer
He's a notable race car driver loved by millions the world over for his skills on the track, but what Jay Howard really wants to win is...
Listen Up! Don't Let Your Pet's Ear Issues Go Untreated!
Everyone hopes that their pets' visits to the veterinarian are straight forward, non-complicated and easy! But, about 20% of all cases...
Pet Food and Pentobarbital...What Does It Mean?
Over the last couple of weeks, stories have surfaced again about the euthanasia drug, pentobarbital, showing up in specific brands of pet...
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