They say cats have nine lives. A severely injured kitty who came into Indianapolis Animal Care Services has used at least one of them.
In early February, an eight-month-old female cat, which was seen around the Sandorf Park area in southeastern Indianapolis, was brought into IACS. Employees where in a state of disbelief when they saw images of what had happened.
"This cat in particular was a case where even I was shocked to hear about," said Brandi Pohl, Chief Communications Officer at IACS.
It was brought to the medical team having been stabbed in the head with a pair of needle-nose pliers.

"When she came in our vet staff got quickly to work. They assessed her and got her on pain medication so the vet could remove the pliers and clean the wound area," said Pohl.
Staff knew that the next 24 hours would be critical to see what type of damage the cat had. Medical teams who performed the surgery were hopeful that the cat would make a full recovery.
"They are ready to jump in and help any animal that comes into the medical area. They look at all animals that come into the shelter which is quite a few," said Pohl. "They are the most kindhearted and loving people. I know a lot of times when we get cases like this it is a little heartbreaking for them because they do do everything in their power to save the animals and there are some cases that don't end up like this one. And so when we get these types of cases and it just speaks volumes to the hard work that they do."
Now the cat is up and about, going from laying in a medical kennel to exploring rooms around the facility at 2600 S. Harding in Indianapolis.
"Remarkably, she did not have any permanent damage. She has all her vision. She's purring. She's eating. She's acting like a normal cat," said Pohl. "She is expected to make a full recovery."
She even has a name that suites her well: Miracle.
Miracle also has a forever home, courtesy of a medical shift leader at Indiana Animal Care Services who helped perform the surgery.