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Mutt Strut draws thousands of people and pups for IndyHumane

The 16th annual Mutt Strut, the largest yearly fundraiser for IndyHumane, took to the track April 27, drawing pet owners from all over Indiana and beyond. Look for interviews and lots of videos coming up on Pet Pals TV! Here are some photos from the event . . . is your pup here?

Julie Osborne and Toto

Patty Spitler and Mabel

Jason Heath, Pet Pals TV producer

Ed Stewart and Patty

Dixie the praying dog

Patty interviews IndyHumane CEO David Horth

Pet Pals TV assistant Rita Rose and Mabel

Pat Pals TV videographer Logan Skidmore, PPTV producer Jason Heath, PPTV reporter Laura Steele

Pet Pals TV videographer, producer and owner Ramon Carrera

Pets Pals TV videographer Adam Dunn

Former IndyHumane CEO John Aleshire


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INDY Audio-Visual Productions, Inc.

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