Four years ago I rescued a pit bull that was collapsed in the street due to heat stroke, so I brought him home and helped him. When I could not find his owner, after weeks of searching, a friend asked if they could have him. Because he was a pit bull, I did not want to take him to a shelter for fear they would put him down. I explained he had cataracts and was probably an older dog. They said no problem. I kept in touch and they told me they were treating his eyes.
Almost a year later I found out they had NOT treated his eyes and they had burst out of his head from the pressure. He was in terrible pain, but instead of taking him to a vet, they just dumped him! I was furious and went looking for him, posting pictures on social media, flyers and driving the area where they lived. I was inconsolable for days.
Someone saw my post and said that he was at a shelter. I was so worried that a now injured pit bull that required extensive care would be euthanized so I

immediately called them. They had to remove both of his eyes and I cried a million tears of regret. How could I be assured a stranger would treat him well now that he was special needs?
So I decided to adopt him!
He remembered me when I got there and we have been inseparable ever since. I LOVE this dog! He is my whole world. This dog was treated horribly by humans, and yet he is still the most loving, kind, forgiving dog I have ever met. This blind dog has been in the ocean at several beaches in Florida, he has been in the river in West Virginia, and he has been on the mountainside in Georgia with me. He goes on countless car rides, and tries to comfort the injured wildlife I pick up. You would never know he doesn't have eyes by his perseverance.
I think a lot of people are afraid of pit bulls – I know I was until I met this dog. Maybe if they see all that he has been through and how amazing he is, they will consider adopting one as well.
Karen Sauer