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St. Puprick's Day benefits Paws & Think

St. Puprick’s Day at Nine Irish Brothers on Mass Ave. was a success, according to Paws & Think, a therapy dog program that benefited from the event. Here's their report from the March 14 event:

"The place was packed both inside and on the patio. So many cute dogs were able to join us as the weather ended up being nice! Little chihuahua Macie won the pet best dressed and Shari won the person best dressed Contest. Thank you to our sponsors Nine Irish Brothers and Noah's Caring Hands Animal Hospital. Thomas Dock from Noah’s even rocked a kilt and brought his gentle giant and Indy Eleven Professional Soccer mascot Orion.

"Our friends at City Dogs Grocery had goodie bags for everyone. Our silent auction was a huge hit with items from the folks listed above and from Great Fermentations of Indiana. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our cause and HUGE thank you to Nine Irish Brothers for being such a wonderful host again this year!"


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INDY Audio-Visual Productions, Inc.

1950 North Meridian Street

Indianapolis, IN 46202

(317) 956-8555

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